Dating Perspectives
2 min readJun 4, 2021


Andrei (A): I think I need some help with dating. I am quite new to this and nine years ago it was completely different.

Marina (M): First of all you need to have the courage to ask girls out. Usually, men have some blockages to do that. Like fear, shame or some baggage from previous experiences. What are your blockages?

A: I worry that I will be laughed at because I ask everyone out. Asking someone out means I feel that is a reciprocity. Meaning that the girl is somehow open to this.
In some cases, I force myself to do this: I just want to go on a date, I don’t care with whom.

M: You can just install a dating app. Although it could be a waste of energy and time, if you have the right attitude this could work. The universe will resonate with you: you attract what you truly expect.

A: There is a saying: Beware what you wish for, you might get it!

M: I had this problem with my longest relationship. I ordered for myself someone who would love me. This was so unspecific that he still loves me. I stayed in a toxic relationship for more than 2,5 years. I learned a lot during this period. Still, my order was imprecise and this also brought suffering.

A: Lately, I’ve been asking the universe to give me challenges. I haven’t been specific about this, either. I should be more specific.
A challenge was with the girl I was exchanging messages with. She asked at some point: why are you sending me all these messages? They feel weird. I replied that I do this because she is a nice person and other things like this. The next morning I woke up with a feeling that I was not honest. I wrote to her that I am reaching for honesty and I had not been honest. Therefore, I needed to speak the truth: I was hoping we would go on a date. She replied that she was not interested. After this, the messages became more personal and felt really smooth.

M: See, things are getting better. Just enjoy the process, have fun and don’t think too much about it. Dating should be fun, not annoying, boring and frustrating.



Dating Perspectives

Relationship trials and errors from two completely different points of view. We are Andrei and Marina and we share our experiances.